Since there seems to be very little on the net regarding how to manipulate printer forms, here's how:
1. Download and install the Windows 2003 Resource Kit Tools.
2. Distribute prnadmin.dll from the kit. The default location is C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools. I set up the network logon script to copy the file to C:\bin on each workstation.
3. Install the font. I used the following logon script (forgive the mangled formatting).
' InstallForm15x21.vbs
' by Craig Putnam
' 20080609
' Installs a custom 15x21 printer form on workstations.
' This script requires prnadmin.dll to be present in the netlogon bin folder.
option explicit
const FORM_NAME = "15x21"
const FORM_HEIGHT = 21
const FORM_WIDTH = 15
const INCHES = 25400
dim shell : set shell = createObject("Wscript.Shell")
dim master : set master = quietCreateObject("PrintMaster.PrintMaster.1")
if master is nothing then
runProgram("regsvr32 /s c:\bin\prnadmin.dll")
set master = createObject("PrintMaster.PrintMaster.1")
end if
if not formExists(FORM_NAME) then
end if
' Creates a printer form on this computer.
' Inputs: name: string: The name of the form.
' width: The width of the form.
' height: The height of the form.
' unit: The unit conversion factor. The base unit for form size is
' microns (1/1,000,000 of a meter).
sub createForm(name,width,height,unit)
dim heightInMicrons, widthInMicrons
heightInMicrons = height * unit
widthInMicrons = width * unit
dim form : set form = createObject("Form.Form.1") = name
form.setSize heightInMicrons, widthInMicrons
form.setImageableArea 0, 0, heightInMicrons, widthInMicrons
master.formAdd form
set form = nothing
end sub
' Determines whether a printer form of the given name exists on this computer.
' Inputs: name: string: The name of the form.
' Returns: boolean: Whether a form of the give name exists on this computer.
function formExists(name)
dim form
for each form in master.forms
if = name then
formExists = true
exit function
end if
formExists = false
end function
' Creates an object without generating an error if creation fails.
' Inputs: name: string: The name of the object.
' Returns: The object, or the nothing value if creation fails.
function quietCreateObject(name)
on error resume next
set quietCreateObject = createObject(name)
if err <> 0 then
set quietCreateObject = nothing
end if
end function
' Runs the given program. Directs all output to the log file. Note that if
' the program requires input from stdin, it will hang.
' Inputs: program: string: The program to run. This must be an executable
' that Windows can natively execute.
function runProgram(program)
on error resume next
dim process : set process = shell.exec(program)
while process.status = 0
wscript.echo process.stdout.readAll
wscript.echo process.stderr.readAll
wscript.sleep 2
wscript.echo process.stdout.readAll
wscript.echo process.stderr.readAll
set process = null
end function
' End of script InstallForm15x21.vbs
If you want to use the script-as is, replace FORM_NAME, FORM_WIDTH, and FORM_HEIGHT with the appropriate values. Windows measures forms in millionths of a meter, thus the inches conversion factor. If you want to customize the script, the resource kit includes decent documentation in prnadmin.doc.
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